Tuesday 28 August 2012

The proposal.....twice!

To know my Husband to be, Pete, is to know that things don't always go his way. Sometimes things turn out so much better than expected for him and sometimes things go terribly terribly wrong! This certainly keeps me on my toes and is part of why I love him so much. This certainly applies to his proposal.

One day while on holiday, we had been together for 6 months, we walked past a jewellers and I joked about maybe one day he could buy me one of those sparkly things. This obviously sent his cogs turning and later that night we had our first conversation about marriage, kids and decided we wanted the whole 2.4 package! We never guessed we were so traditional haha! We went home, moved in together, and I went back to reality but Pete's cogs were still in motion.

Fast forward 6 months I was packing, Pete was whisking me away for a birthday weekend to London. A few days before we were due to go Pete suggested we go out into the countryside for a drive. There on a beautiful welsh mountain side overlooking Cardiff he got down on one knee, and proposed. I said Yes, jumped up and down, and went all girly overcome with emotion. However Pete's predicament came back to bite him on the ass. Unbeknown to me he had paid for the ring to be bespoke designed and they had made a bit of a bodge job of it. He didn't know how I would react, told me the story and gave it to me anyway. I got really angry that they would rob him of his hard earned cash in this way, said many an expletive (!) and we both went home slightly deflated.

The next day after many angry phone calls I sent the ring back to be redesigned, and we went away determined to sort it out on our return and to have an awesome time! However this time luck was on my fiancees side! Again unbeknown to me he had also made many angry phone calls (where my mild manered Pete had threatened to kneecap the manager!) and they put through a rush order and sent the new ring to the hotel a few days later! On my birthday completely unaware of anything we went out for a fancy meal and after a late night stroll along the Thames we ended up on Westminster bridge where he proposed again. This time the ring was fabulous and again I came over all of a dither, after a screechy phonecall to my mother we skipped back to the hotel happy ever after!!

Then the wedding planning began......................................!!

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